Agriculture After the Pandemic..

A proximidade é muito importante no relacionamento entre as empresas e a mídia. E não só por intermédio de sugestões de pautas ou…

Sermos parceiros também significa identificarmo-nos numa dimensão mais ampla, onde a empatia é crucial. Destinado aos quem curtem receber atendimento preferencial diferenciado com exclusividade! Junte-se aos melhores e mais conceituados profissionais do mercado, qualificados, pessoas de comprometimento e com trabalho de qualidade, desenvolvido com foco na inovação, criatividade, sustentabilidade, governança e plena satisfação do cliente! #clubedonetworking #network #compartilha #networkteamclub

Mostly Economics

Martin Ravallion in Proj Synd piece say we could have a famine:

This is not solely the familiar, cruel, trade-off between economic welfare and personal health that many poor people face. It is also a trade-off between two aspects of health: illness due to the virus, and hunger and poor nutrition resulting from economic isolation and disruption to markets and institutions, including private social protection.

While the case for a sensible degree of social distancing to combat COVID-19 in developing countries is strong, the case for a lockdown is not. Lockdowns pose new threats, and could even turn the pandemic response into a famine in some poor places. I do not say this lightly; I believe it is a looming threat. Both research and experience demonstrate how famines can result from the sort of institutional and market breakdowns implied by a strict lockdown. We saw this recently in the wake…

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Autor: Aurélio Barbato

You are wellcome! #trustworthyAI Visit my Page and leave your comments. See how many news and information you find by clicking on this link Welcome to my Teaching page on the PROFES website Our authentic and innate vocation is business development, promoting business, facilitating business. As the old people said, great traders, merchants, all over the world, when they brought silks, fabrics, precious gems and spices from the cuisine of the countries of the distant East, when they presented themselves: "My name is Aurélio Barbato, your servant, at your service, at your service, what can I serve you for?" Very cute! A courtesy profession! So I also think that: The path to excellence is found in simplicity! Albert Eintein said: "The imagination embraces the whole world, everything that will come to be known, everything that will come to be understood, everything will come to be reality!" Unleash your imagination and help us to help you make your dreams come true! Let's make your dream come true? Visit the Links. After visiting the Links above, you can download the report for free and find me on page 38. Happy reading! See page 38 of the International Repport:

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